Monday, May 31, 2010

Dresses , dresses , dresses ...

Hey children of Stardoll ! This is my second post on my STATEMENT magazine ! Today we have an interview with a personal friend of mine . Heres how it went ...

Me: Rebecca , I'm so glad you are doing the interview .
Rebecca: I'm so happy to be here.
Me: The reason I have you here is because you are an amazing designer , is that right?
Rebecca: Emmm... I guess you could say that .
Me: Haha , whats your key fashion tip ?
Rebecca: Always coordinate colours , you never know , you might start a new trend .
Me: Whats your favourite colour ?
Rebecca: White and plain all the way .
Me: Very well explained , but thats the end of that interview gals . But if you want to talk to Rebecca herself , send a message to PixieCharmer on stardoll . Yep , she bought an account on stardoll !

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Stay tuned ! xoxo

Ok , first of all if you want all the inside scoop behind Fashion Magazine , join Num.1.Club . Second , I will give you all the fashion tips for real and virtual life before anyone else . So listen up so you don't miss a thing !

Tip one : Big bows are in . Above you will see a LE dress from stardoll . That style is so in this summer , but in real life I recomend cutting down the size . Also pink and black is such a combination these days .

Tip two : This is a complete 100% no-no . Its too big and fussy . Slim and sleek is so in , keep that in mind . Also Barbie? Barbie clothes? So over board !

Tip three: Stay tuned , cause I have to go ! Stay tuned for updates!